Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is Collaborative Knowledge Management Right For Your Business?

 The number one priority for Collaborative Knowledge Management (KM) systems is that they are levers to improve the performance of the business. Their contribution is that they allow individuals (staff, partners, customers etc) to make more informed decisions by providing them access to the collective knowledge base.

The biggest challenge when embarking on a Knowledge Management project is to recognise that you are trying to replace an informal staff knowledge sharing culture with a technology equivalent. In order for people not to default back to the informal staff feedback loop, a new system must offer something else, it must be easy to use and cater to their needs as users.

Managing knowledge and data is critical for all businesses, by learning from their experiences, they are able to grow.  This in turn means that they improve their service, their reaction times and their effectiveness.  The challenge is in ensuring that relevant data and information is shared with the relevant people and at the right time.

Knowledge Management is a clash between the organization culture and the technology department. It is not a traditional IT project because it encompasses individuals from all over the business; this might also be extended to partners, customers and even future employees.

Collaborative Knowledge Management systems are often introduced to a business because there is an immediate project or an issue that needs to be resolved. Usually, this is a small project that becomes a Trojan horse for other knowledge management types of projects. Once people within a business see the value of the systems, then others begin to identify new areas they can be applied.

Successful Knowledge Management projects start small, this is because it enables the project sponsor to demonstrate the potential and for the individuals of the business to buy into the change. Once the usage adoption has grown, it will lead to other projects and roll outs.

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