Here we are only about forty years after the first women burned their bras and yet - we do not have complete equality in the modern workplace. Let's face it: this situation is simply not good enough! Our work places are, in essence, despite everything, still male-dominated hierarchies in the old model of command and control of management from that generally accepted date, then.
To look at this issue pragmatically, men and women haveotherwise wired people - no, it's no joke - we really do have these differences in the anatomy of the brain. So What? Now that means we actually do, therefore the sexes think differently, and this means that male-dominated hierarchies are prisoners of male-dominated thinking - we need more women in management.
Our companies need to promote more women in leadership positions. This is not a rant by someone claimed, the status quo as unjust - it is a practical proposal for aSolution to the problem of many organizations today. To break out of rut, find that many of our organizations to be put, we need a new approach and this approach will be found only by turning away from traditional thinking.
In the book by Stephen Covey's The 8th Habit, he champions the emergence of a "new paradigm" - a new card - for the practice of management in the modern workplace. He suggests that the old command and control leadership style dead inthe water, and that a new style for the demands of the 21st Century is necessary. My conviction is that such a paradigm shift could be accessed by attracting more women into leadership positions in our organizations.
The female brain is known that more connections between the hemispheres than the male brain. This may anatomical evidence for the popular notion that women are better at multitasking than men. It is this fundamental difference in the wiring, which is responsiblefor a holistic thinking style among women - a greater commitment of the right brain processes involved in solving problems.
The time is ripe for a revolution in management circles. Now is the time for women their rightful place as fully equal to taking in the modern workplace. Organizations, be bold enough to recognize the effectiveness of such a move wins the day, and eventually will be followed by the others.
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