The biggest obstacle to the construction of various organizations better results, rather than customers' expectations, attracting and retaining talent, developing leaders and creating work environments where people learn at all levels and can grow and prosper is simple: management - the abuse of power by negligence, knowledge and relationships, systems painfully frustrating frustrating that people work together to divert attention, and affect the results. What> Administration malpractice? Every organization or business practices that lead difficult for people to develop their activities, coordinated with others to achieve, create value and gain for themselves and their organizations. Occurs when management principles and corporate values are preached but not practiced, and always an abuse of power, knowledge or relationships. Shortcomings of management at all levels in an organization must beare constantly exposed and eliminated routine, when the company expects to achieve and maintain greatness.
Great management principles, like most people who have no real time to the universal - principles such as the exchange of ideas at all levels, promoting a healthy sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo, treating employees as its assessment more valuable resource for individual contributions to create an environment where people feel free to be of concerncreate a basis of respect and trust so that people realize their full potential, listening to all the factors that are constantly challenging the assumptions and prejudices, and accountability for their actions - a vital shield protecting people and organizations. If the generally accepted principles and truths are ignored, forgotten or do not preach, but practice, people lose their protection and is subject to managers and executives can easilyManipulation, abuse and degradation. as a nation without a state law does not protect its citizens against physical damage, an organization without permission the great principles of management can not protect their employees against psychological and emotional damage. fault management occurs when managers and executives do not apply the principles tried, tested and accepted as a universal and eternal truth.
Often a vicious cycle of workgovernment agencies and the state of consciousness or unconsciously, the negligence of management, employees react with disgust and disappointment leaders groped to correct the bad behavior, they feel "remedial measures leading personal dishonest and manipulative leaders react with grief and disappointment but try again to give personal care and other leaders the opportunity to improve the market leader, but not as thoroughly and as quickly as people want to be angry and call people hypocrites guideHeads of State and Government in anger and call people whiners, and so on, until managers and employees to accept the lack of management standards as well. It 'a fact of modern organizational life.
This vicious cycle will continue until the organizational culture into cynicism and mistrust will be involved. The solution? Breaking the cycle of view and put it back - the leader in response to employee misconduct and excessive reaction to imperfection. Only when the administrationNegligence) is replaced by a broad commitment to the principles of management of large (universal and timeless, is the hypocrites, and labels to disappear from the moaners. Only then can the vicious circle of performance can be avoided.
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